WFFS Non-Profit Documents
This page is made available to Warrior Foundation Freedom Station associates for their use.
Boxes for Warriors Shopping List
Evidence of Insurance Coverage
Certificate of Liability Insurance
Secretary of State Business Search
CFC #: CFC 40485
OFFICIAL LOGOS – Please see Logo Guidelines or pic below for examples
- Right Click on the logo you want to save.
- On a PC use right mouse button then select “Save As” to download to computer
- On a Mac, they are two ways to save or copy logo. Right Click the image, then select: (1) Choose “Save Image As” and save logo to “Downloads” or another folder on computer. Or, (2) Select “Copy Image” and “Paste” in the software program you have open and want to insert the logo.

WFFS Logo_Feb2024.jpg
White Background

WFFS Logo_Feb2024.png
Transparent Background

WFFS Logo_Feb2024blkbg.png
Black or Dark Background

WFFS Logo_Feb2024redbg.png
Red or Dark Background
Below are examples of how to use the logo. Please download the logos above and not the examples.