A bequest to Warrior Foundation Freedom Station in your will or living trust is a gift toward the future of those who fought for our nation’s freedoms. Your bequest will translate your values into action for many generations of veterans and ensure that programs important to you will thrive for years to come. Simple language of just a few sentences or less can be included to establish a bequest when you prepare a new will or add a codicil to an existing one.
There are many different types of bequests you can use in your will or living trust, personalized to your needs. For assistance planning your gift, please consult with your financial, legal or tax advisor to develop a bequest provision that will best carry out your expressed wishes to help injured warriors in need. Remember, you can alter your gift or change your will at any time and for any reason, in the event that life circumstances change.
Please let us know if you have named us in your trust or will. We would like to thank you.
Legal Name / Designation:
Warrior Foundation Freedom Station., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, located at 1223 ½ 28th St., Suite A, San Diego, California 92102.
Federal Income Tax ID: 20-0067633
For questions or assistance contact:
Sandy Lehmkuhler, CEO
Warrior Foundation Freedom Station
(619) 993-1737