Brad Rich Venue Information

Parking Instructions:

Parking on Friday:

USD requires paid parking permits Monday – Friday between 7am-7pm. Visitors are only permitted to park in the green lined spaces during the permitted time frames. There is a ParkMobile meter in front of the entrance of the Sports Center pool – it is pay-by-plate and we only have 15 spaces. If there are no visitor spaces on Friday, please know that you must park off campus on the nearby adjacent street (Via Los Cumvres) or park in the USD main structure further west on main campus drive. Tram service is available at USD 24/7 but please know that we only have one tram with an ADA chair lift so please arrive early to coordinate parking and/or transportation needs. 

You can also download the ParkMobile app ParkMobile App and use that. The current rate is $2.75 per hour. There is also free parking on Via Los Cumbres, the closest cross street.


Parking on Saturday/Sunday:

USD does NOT charge for parking on Saturdays and Sundays. You do not need to pay to park on the weekends and you can park in any white or green lined space in front of or behind the Sports Center on Sat/Sun. Yellow lined “USD vehicle only parking” or red lined spaces that say “reserved 24/7” are not available on the weekends. Do NOT pay to park on Sat/Sun. 


Directions and Maps:

Click here for Apple Maps Direct Location

Click here for Google Maps Direct Location

USD Sports Center 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110

*Please note that if you use a GPS and plug in this address, it will NOT lead you to the Sports Center but it will lead you to the main campus.

**We are not responsible for parking citations incurred while on our campus. Please follow all parking rules above which are valid Monday – Friday 7am-7pm.


Driving Directions to the Sports Center (pool, indoor gymnasium and east tennis courts) at USD

  • From 8-West (i.e. you are driving on the 8, heading west)
      • Exit Morena Blvd
      • Stay in Right Lane
      • Morena will turn into Linda Vista Rd (far right lane)
      • Go up the hill and Turn LEFT into the Sports Center parking lot (note- this entrance does not have a street light or stop sign- it is simply a left turn into a parking lot with a small “Sports Center & Alcala Park” sign on a wall – if you reach the street Via Las Cumbres then you have gone too far and should turn around)
      • Follow instructions outlined above in “USD Sports Center Parking & Walking Directions to Office”
  • From 5-South (i.e. you are driving on the 5, heading south)
      • Exit SeaWorld Dr.
      • Left off the freeway onto SeaWorld Dr/Tecolote Road (turn away from Sea World)
      • Right on Morena Blvd
      • Left on Napa St- stay in leftmost turn lane
      • Left on Linda Vista Rd
      • Go up the hill and Turn LEFT into the Sports Center parking lot (note- this entrance does not have a street light or stop sign- it is simply a left turn into a parking lot with a small “Sports Center & Alcala Park” sign on a wall – if you reach the street Via Las Cumbres then you have gone too far and should turn around)
      • Follow instructions outlined above in “USD Sports Center Parking & Walking Directions to Office”
  • From 5-North (i.e. you are driving on the 5, heading north)
    • Exit SeaWorld Dr/Tecolote Road
    • Right on SeaWorld drive off the freeway (turn away from Sea World)
    • Right on Morena Blvd
    • Left on Napa St- stay in leftmost turn lane
    • Left on Linda Vista Rd
    • Go up the hill and Turn LEFT into the Sports Center parking lot (note- this entrance does NOT have a street light or stop sign- it is simply a left turn into a parking lot with a small “Sports Center & Alcala Park” sign on a wall – if you reach the street Via Las Cumbres then you have gone too far and should turn around)
    • Follow instructions outlined above in “USD Sports Center Parking & Walking Directions to Office”

General Policies:

  • USD is federally funded thus we are a 100% smoke and vape free campus. This includes medicinal marijuana. If any individuals are found smoking, vaping or ingesting federally illegal products (which includes medically prescribed marijuana), they will be immediately trespassed from campus and not permitted to return.
  • Glass and gum are strictly prohibited in the USD Sports Center facility.
  • Please clean up your trash and pick up all belongings on your way out.
  • Other general policies and community guidelines for the USD Sports Center can be found here.